Jon's Bulbs & Stephen Ryan speaking on Italy.
This Saturday (23 Sept, 8pm) is our next meeting / A.G.M. We’re
very excited to have Stephen Ryan (
speaking on the night about his travels in Italy. There’s always a good
attendance when Stephen is the guest speaker because he’s entertaining and knowledgeable.
This is a meeting not to be missed! We’ll also be taking a vote on changing our
constitution / rules but that shouldn’t take up much of the meeting. If you haven't been to our meetings before this will be the perfect opportunity. Come and say hello to me - I'll have my name tag on.
Spring is here and it should be a good show bench this
Saturday as well. Below are some signs of spring.
Nacissus 'Mitimoto' |
The Narcissus above (flowering in the Ferny Creek garden) was one of the bulbs that has been offered to members in a previous plant swap (called the "Bunfight"). Every December members bring excess plants to swap with other members. You can pick up some amazing plants. It's one of the highlights of our year - membership has it's benefits! You won't regret it.
Scilla melania |
This scilla is another example of bulbs that have been available at previous bunfights.
Babiana villosa |
I might be able to bring some spare corms of Babian villosa to the next bunfight. It's a beautiful flower that just shines on a sunny spring day.
Iris suaveolens |
I love small flowers and as you can see from the coin next to these irises they're tiny! They flowered mid winter as well which was a bit strange, but appreciated. Frost hasn't bothered them and unlike Iris Pumila the snails don't seem to like them. Click on the photo to enlarge for more detail. Highly recommended.
Muscari armeniacum ex Gul |
Although this Muscari doesn't have the strong pink of its parent, it flowers profusely for me so I'm happy with it.
Thalictrum orientale |
This delicate little Thalictrum is an absolute gem.
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