Saturday, January 14, 2023


 Dryas drummondii 

In the Rose family Rosaceae native to Alaska, Canada and north-western U.S.A., in open often moist habitats. Nodding single yellow flowers getting to 10cm with white felty stems, the flowers never seem to open fully and hang their heads. the plant will get to approximately 45cm across. It was named after the Scottish naturalist Thomas Drummond 1790-1835. Plant given to me from Ken Gillanders which he raised from seed. There are poor forms of this plant so one needs to be selective when it flowers.

Dryas octopetala 

Prostrate growing mats getting to about 60cm across, flowers erect and a very soft lemon on opening fading to white. Likes a sunny position but not too hot as it will burn the foliage here in Australia. This wide reaching species Arctic to northern temperate zones, on mountains and rocky slopes we even saw it growing and flowering in the crevices on the Burren in Ireland. This plant was from the Bunfight from Pam.

Our next AGSVG meeting is on the 25th February 2.00pm at the Olinda Community House next to the Olinda swimming pool Olinda-Monbulk Road, Olinda. It is the Buy Swap and Sell meeting. You are welcome to join us.

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