Friday, October 15, 2021

Spring in the garden.

Aethionema saxatile an annual form for me, but the ants do spread the seed in the crevice garden
Original plant from the Bunfight donated by Alan.

Allium ursine (wood garlic) seed collected Wales where it spreads in large drifts. I remove spent flowers before it sets seeds otherwise it might turn out to be too vigorous and take over.

Androsace sarmentosa a lovely Androsace for the rock garden, trough or crevice garden

Chaenorhinum origanifolium a lovely crevice plant, seed collected in Spain. 
Seeds itself around gently in the gravel path.

Erodium variable Flora Plena an import from New Zealand. Happier in light shade in the crevice garden. Below is Erodium variable Bishops form.

Evotrochis simensis syn. Primula simensis has had a name change lately, plants originating from Africa. and covered in farina. I find it is very similar to Evotrochis kewensis syn Primula kewensis that seeds under the benches in the glass house, which I love. Plant originally from Otto.

Fritillaria acmopetala an easy Fritillaria but none the less beautiful. It increases rapidly from offsets and will soon clump up in the garden. It is common in the vineyards and grain fields of Cyprus, Turkey, Lebanon and Syria, found growing in stony limestone scrub or light woodland.

Fritillaria affinis syn Fritillaria mutica from Marcus Harvey 2018, First time to flower and has done well in our wet spring. You just have to be patient when growing these things, these are not from seed but bulbs, and have taken 3 years to settle in and for the bulbs to get some size to them. It has variable flower colours and in the wild it covers from south-west Canada down through California to Los Angeles.

Fritillaria pontica another easy Fritillaria in the garden, the bulbs multiply fairly quickly in semi shade. Its native habitat is the mountains of Albania across to northern Greece and western Turkey reaching hights of 2,100m. An easy Fritillaria from seed, also Jane Tonkin of Tonkin Bulbs sells Fritillaria's.

Gentiana verna AGS 3109 seed 2010,  did not do well last year but has done better this year.

Geranium libani from Archibald seed 2002 a mass of flowers this year, needs a warm sunny position in the garden. Leaves are dormant in summer, comes from Lebanon, Syria and Turkey.

Lewisia tweedyi Album with Origanum dictamnus in the back ground , doing very well in the crevice garden has not minded our wet spring at all.

Lewisia tweedyi pale lemon form

Trillium ludovicianum

Trillium chloropetalum good pink

Tulipa sylvestris var. australis we saw this little Tulipa growing in the mountains in Spain and the Pyrenees in quite a few places but never in a clump like this, just usually one or two bulbs . It does incredibly well in our garden in part shade.

NEXT MEETING. 30th October Stephen Ryan of Dicksonia Rare Plants Nursery at 7.30pm, along with our AGM,  is our next speaker on zoom on The Canary Islands. Fermi will happily send you the link if you are not on his emailing list.


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