Friday, September 25, 2015

New Woodland Garden & Plants.

New woodland Garden.

I'm just planting out a new woodland garden but before I can plant any where in this new garden there are alway's a lot of stumps to remove, consequently you can't do much the next day as picking up the crowbar weighs a ton and every muscle aches. But I thought you may be interested to see a few of the plants that are to go in this new area. From Dicksonia rare plants is the beautiful black stem and leaf of Chloranthus japonica you can just see the tip of the flower coming out of the top of the leaves. A very choice woodlander.

Epimedium "Dark Seedling" as it was named from Barbara and Philip Gordon, I think it refers to the foliage as the leaves come through as a very dark maroon, brown colour.

Epimedium 'Carnival' from David Kennedy's Nursery Clover hill Rare Plants, I'm not sure but I think this is a hybrid that David produced or appeared in his Garden.

An early import from Darrell R. Probst USA by Jill Weatherhead Landscape Gardener and Designer this gorgeous Epimedium sempervirens collection No Cc 92003, there is no doubt the Epimediums are tough and hardy, a lot of mine dried out in pots during the summer as I couldn't get every thing into the ground and I still have a lot to plant out. But I gave them a good drink, cut them back and they have had a very wet, cold winter and have all bounced back thank goodness.

Another imported plant from New Zealand Sanguinaria canadensis 'Plena' this also needs to be marked well in the garden as you would not want to cut this lovely plant up into small pieces.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Viv, your plants are amazing and I was green with envy viewing the plants in Aaron's garden. Inspirational!