Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Buy Swop Meet/ Conservation Areas of Falls Creek and Hotham.

Buy & swop meet and a lecture on the conservation areas of 
 Falls Creek & Hotham Area 
by Di Barrie President.

The bench from one end.

The bench from the other end.

Inge's unusual leaf on Cylamen hederifolium.

Jon's Cyclamen x Ruby Glow.

Otto's Cyclamen cilicium.

Another of Otto's Cyclamen mirabile 'Tilebarn Nicholas'.

Otto's Gentian acaulis 'Iceberg' and take no notice of the label on the plastic bag, the Colchicum in the bag is an unknown very dark Colchicum turcicum? Otto is unsure of its name as it has been difficult to key out. The Colchicum was collected by Sydney Albury, Martyn Cheese and John Watson in Turkey on one of their expeditions.

A group of Jon's Cyclamen and their beautiful leaves. The silver leaf Cyclamen is C. mirabile.

Verity and Palmiro's beautiful pot Bessera elegans, they also bought 6 pots for swopping.

Will and Fermi's Cyclamen mirabile, Biarum davisii for display and the swop table and a vase of Zauschneria canum 'Catalina'  syn Epilobium canum 'Catalina' for the bench.

Verity and Palmiro's Cyclamen africanum in a small trough made on our trough work shop day.

Thank you very much Fermi for the photos of the night and your notes.

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