Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Iris reticulata's easier than you think.

Iris reticulata's easier than you think.

The first Iris is Iris reticulata Joyce. I have covered my Iris and Crocus bulbs early this year with wire netting, as the white cockatoos love to destroy my bulbs by just pulling them out of the ground and chewing them, then spitting them out. Most of the I. reticulata's need a position in full sun and well drained where you grow Cyclamen graecum and some of your Crocus. They do like to be fed, so some bulb food is a good idea, now while the bulbs are growing. I use Johnson's soil improver but any bulb food would do, even granular bulb food is ok to use now.
Lambley Nursery and Tim Drewitt sell Iris reticulata's and I think one of our largest retail stores sell them periodically.

Iris reticulata Alida an easy Iris and readily available in Australia, it multiplies readily.

Iris reticulata Cantab.

Iris reticulata George.

Iris reticulata from Marcus Harvey.

Iris reticulata Springtime.

Iris histrioides ssp aintabensis is from southern Turkey.

Crocus pestalozzae from Bithynia in Turkey but it is the opposite to the Iris reticulata's as they love to be watered all year and not to be dried out. In the wild they grow in the meadows nearly under water, just on the edges of the water where it is very damp and wet.

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