Wednesday, November 15, 2023

 A weekend in the Country

Out of Town Nursery.

Mown field. Out of Town Nursery is a four acre garden, planted with a wide mixture of plants, shade loving and full sun.

The garden using plants that will tolerate hot dry conditions. The owners water the gardens with bore water in summer.

Garden and chickens.

Cutlery sculptures.
Alans garden at Tangambalanga.

Alan explaining the garden.

Small rock garden full of Thymus in a hot dry position.

Knifophia thomsonii var. Snowdenii

                                              Alyssum lenese, the yellow flowering plant in front.

Onlookers interested in a wide range of plants.

                                                         Nursery stock under shade cloth.


Rock Garden plants in a rubble mixture. After garden loam was sieved at his local nursery, Alan planted the plants in the remains of the rubble that was left over, lumps of soil, rocks, bits of bark and gravel all creating a perfect mixture for alpine plants that are thriving in this open mixture. Then all top dressed with course gravel and rocks. Larger rocks creating shade and protection of roots for the alpines.

Plant at the bottom of the photo is Rhodanthemum catananche.

Pots and pans filled with crevice rock, all very successfully growing rare plants and Australian natives.

                                                      Yellow Viola stojanowii in flower.

Pots and pans filled with treasures. In front is Gunnera cordifolia.
A very enjoyable day was had by all, topped off by Alan's scones, jam and cream.Those that attended were given a gift of Caltha introloba, a rare snowmelt native.

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