Thursday, September 7, 2017

Hyacintella nevosa, Fermi.


Fermi mentioned to me the other day that he had waited 9 years for a little bulb to flower from seed.
It takes such patience to grow plants from seed, we and our founding members were and are very good at it in Australia. It is part of our rules that we have to belong to an overseas group with a seed exchange, to improve the amount of plants and bulbs that we are growing here, because importing is so expensive. Not to buy the plants, we can all do that, it is the expenses of fumigation, inspections the couriers moving the plants from one place to another and then there is the quarantine fees for looking after the plants for 3-6 months until they are inspected again and then may be released, and oh I forgot the import permit. It is so important to keep doing the 10 page weed risk assessment for BICON so that all the new little bulbs and plants that are discovered and botanised can be allowed into Australia even if it does take 3-4 years to go on the approved list, once they are done it is unusual for Bicon to remove them. Of course it does not cover the hybrids, the beautiful little Saxifraga's and many more, that we will probably never see in Australia as they all still have to be imported, but species, we can raise from seed. Many of us buy seed from the collectors, seed seller's and botanic gardens to extend our range of plants.

This is from Fermi "this little bulb called Hyacintella nervosa comes from semi-desert area from Turkey to Jordan. I grew if from seed from Turkey which in turn I got from the Gothenburg Botanic Garden in Sweden in 2008, but it did not germinate until 2009. It looks like something that might be suitable for the crevice garden" and indeed Fermi its gorgeous.

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